Monday, 13 February 2017

Native tree research

What facts did you research about what tree?


  1. Hi, this is Django here. I researched the hen and chicken fern. The Latin name is Asplenium bulbiferum, the Maori name is Mouku. The cool thing about this plant is that it can reproduce in two very different ways. 1) it has spores under its leaves, 2) it grows little small bulbils (small complete plants) on it's big mother leaves (hen)

    1. Fantastic work Django. Ferns are unlike trees, that produce seed and require pollination. What tree or fern are you interested in researching next?

    2. Good job Django

  2. Hi this Te Aho. I researched the Karo tree. It was used as a shelter tree. It was not used for anything particular by Maori. It was not very good firewood. My Nana said it's good for hedges. It grows up to 9 metres. In Spring it blooms with scented, red flowers. Its common name is Pittosporum. Its botanical name is Pittosporum Crassifolium.

    1. Kapai ehoa ma. It is fantastic that you are asking your Nana to share her knowledge and sharing it with us. Karo is one of many native and endemic Pittosporum species which includes, Red Matipo and Tarata (lemonwood).They are all pretty poor firewood. Maori used a rongo or medicine made from the bark and leaves to apply to the head to help with hair loss in men.

  3. Kia ora, koinei Nina. My native plant was kowhai, and this is what I learnt about it. Once the seed case dries, the seed coat becomes more protected from water unless being picked at by a knife.

    Maori name = kowhai
    Common name = kowhai
    Botanical name = Sophora microphylla.

    When I was born, my dad's work mates gave him a kowhai tree, and now it's mine, and it's really big.

  4. In the holidays we went to see the largest kauri tree remaining on the east coast, Tane Moana.
    Mr Nicholas what does Kia whakaiti ia koe mean its on the sign at the tree.
    From Savanna and Rachel.

  5. Kia ora, Tane here, I researched the Puriri tree. I learnt that Puriri trees can grow up to 20 metres tall and the trunk can grow up to 1.5 metres in diameter. They are also evergreen trees which stays green all year round and grow berries that feed the Kereru (native pigeon). The scientific name is Vitex lucens. Tane

    1. wow Tane those are some great scientific facts. I'm impressed of what You have learnt pod 5

  6. Renga Renga is the New Zealand Maori name for Arthropodiom cirratum. The pretty white flowers come out in mid summer and they also like the shade with a bit of sun.
    By Jack Hay

  7. Hi this is Mr Nicholas. This is also a test,

  8. Hi this is Mr Nicholas. I made a muck up last time. This is a test. For real!
