Monday, 20 February 2017

Hello,my name is Alexi I have a cat called Tom and I have one sister two brothers.
I play netball.My favourite activity is running. I am this weeks blogmaster.

Thursday, 16 February 2017


This afternoon Mr Nicholas got Django a big 
cardboard box and this is what they created.

Kauri gum writing

Lately we have been doing some great kauri gum writing.
I enjoy doing this writing because we got to feel and smell Kauri gum.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Toyota crazy car contest

Today we have been drawing some wacky cars for a Toyota contest to design cars for the future.
I have enjoyed letting our imagination run wild on these drawings.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Native tree research

What facts did you research about what tree?

Kauri gum

Today we were doing some facinating writing about Kauri gum here are some photos of us polishing
some gum .

Meet Toby, this weeks Blogmaster

 Hello I'm Toby this weeks Blogmaster . I enjoy doing writing and P.E. My favourite P.E activity is Ball tag. This week I will be taking photos of our work and making posts and comments. I have two sisters and a dog and some bunnies.